pyXcute API reference

A small task runner inspired by npm scripts.

Usage/examples can be founded in README.


conf = dict()

A dictionary that is used across all tasks. It has 2 purpoeses:

  1. A convenience way to share variables between your file and xcute module.

  2. The context for string formatting. See f().

By default, it has following keys:

  • curr_task: str. The name of the current task.

  • date: Equals to

  • old_version: str. A version number. Only available after Bump task.

  • pkg_name: The pkg_name specified by the user in cute().

  • py: A special Py Object. This allows you to use py launcher corss-platform. On Windows:

    "{py:2.7}".format(**conf) # -> "py -2.7"

    On Linux:

    "{py:2.7}".format(**conf) # -> "python2.7"
  • tasks: dict. This is what you send to cute().

  • tty: bool. True if the output is a terminal.

  • version: str. A version number. Also see cute().

task_converter = TaskConverter()

The task converter used by pyXcute.

You can extend the converter like this:

# let's say you want to convert tasks that start with ``"my:..."`` into
# ``MyTask``

# create the callable executor
class MyTask:
    def __init__(self, task):
        self.task = task
    def __call__(self):
        # do something to ``task``...

# create a test function
def is_my_task(task):
    return isinstance(task, str) and task.startswith("my:")

# prepend them to ``task_converter.matchers`` so that MyTask converter is
# processed before Cmd converter.
task_converter.matchers.insert(0, (is_my_task, MyTask))

# the task would be converted automatically
task_converter.transform("my:this is a custom task")
# -> MyTask("my:this is a custom task")



Main entry point.

Define your tasks as keyword arguments. Those tasks would be assigned to conf with key "tasks".

There are some tasks having special effects:

  • pkg_name: When this task is defined:

    • The key is removed and inserted into conf. This allows you to specify {pkg_name} variable in other tasks.

    • The module would try to find the version number from {pkg_name}/ or {pkg_name}/ If found, the filename is inserted to conf with key "version_file", and the version is inserted with key "version".

      See split_version() for the regular expression matching __version__.

Some tasks have a default value:

  • version: Log("{version}"). You can run cute version to log the version of {pkg_name} module.

  • bump: Bump("{version_file}"). You can run cute bump [major|minor|patch] to bump the version of {version_file}.


Format the string with conf.


text (str) – Input string.

Return type:


This function is used by various task executors. It allows you to interpret variables in your tasks. For example:

  hello = "echo Current time is {date}"

Log the items to the console.

If conf["tty"] is False, this function has no effect.


items (list) – items would be logged with print(*items).

run_task(task, *args)

Run user task. It handles non-callable user task and converts them into Chain, Task, or Cmd.

  • task – The task.

  • args (list[str]) – Additional that would be passed to the task.

Call this function if you have to execute other tasks in your customized executor:

def my_task():
    # do something...
    run_task("bar") # run "bar" task
    # do something...

    foo = my_task,
    bar = "echo bar"

Split the text to (left, version_number, right).


text (str) – Input text. It is usually the source code of or

Return type:

tuple(str, str, str)

The regular expression used by this function:

match ="__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]+)", text)
semver_bumper(old_version, part='patch')

Bump the version with semver module.


part (str) –

Specify which part should be bumped. Possible values are "patch", "minor", or "major".

If part is a valid version number, it would bump the version number to part.

Return type:



new version number.


class Bump(file, bumper=<function semver_bumper>, cfgs=('setup.cfg', 'pyproject.toml'))

An executor which can bump the version inside a .py file.

  • file (str) – Input file.

  • bumper (callable) – A callable that would bump a version. The signature is bumper(version: str, *args) -> new_version: str. Default to semver_bumper().

  • cfgs (list[str]) – A list of config files. The version number inside these files would be updated to the new version.


When called, it bumps the version number of the file. Additional arguments are sent to bumper.

It uses split_version() to find the version. After bumping, it would:

  1. Assign the old version to conf["old_version"]

  2. Assign the new version to conf["version"]

  3. Try to find the version number inside configs and update to the new version. The version number is matched by the regular expression ^version\s*=\s*["']?(\S+?)["']?\s*$.

class Chain(*task_lists)

An executor which runs tasks in sequence.


task_lists (list[list]) – Multiple list of tasks.

When the task is a list, it would be converted into Chain:

    foo = ["echo foo", "echo bar"]
# equals to
    foo = Chain(["echo foo", "echo bar"])

It runs all tasks in sequence.


args (list[str]) – Other arguments would be passed into each task.

class Cmd(*cmds)

Shell command executor.


cmds (list[str]) – A list of commands. The command may contain variables which could be expanded by f().

If the task is a str, the task would be converted into Cmd:

    foo = "echo foo"
# equals to
    foo = Cmd("echo foo")

When called, it executes each commands with


args (list[str]) – args are appended to each command.

class LiveReload(pattern, task, html_base, **kwargs)

An executor which spawns a live-reload server.

  • pattern (str or list[str]) – Glob pattern, filename, or folder to be watched.

  • task – A task that should be run when the file changes.

  • html_base (str) – Path to the folder containing HTML files.

  • kwargs – Other arguments will be passed to Server.serve


When called, spawn a livereload server.

A live example.

class Log(*items)

A simple printer.


items (list) – Items which would be logged.


When called, it prints the items to the console with log().

class Skip(task, should_skip=None)

Run task conditionally.

  • task – The task.

  • should_skip (bool or callable) – Whether to skip the task.


Skip the test if should_skip or should_skip(*args) is not truthy.


args (list[str]) – Additional arguments are passed to the task and should_skip if it is a function.

Usually, you can just use comparators to run task conditionally:

    foo = sys.version_info >= (3, ) and "echo Python 3+"

Skip would log a Skip: ... information to the console when a task is skipped:

    foo = Skip("echo Python 3+", sys.version_info < (3, ))


$ python2 foo
> Task: foo
> Skip: echo Python 3+
class Throw(err=None)

An executor which throws errors.


err (str or Exception or None or class) – The error.

When the task is an instance of Exception or a subclass of Exception, it would be converted into Throw:

    foo = Exception,
    foo2 = Exception("some message")
# equals to
    foo = Throw(Exception),
    foo2 = Throw(Exception("some message"))

When called, it behaves differently according to the type of err:

  • If err is None, re-raises last error.

  • If err is an instance of BaseException, raises err.

  • If err is an instance of str, raises Exception(err).

  • If err is callable, raises err().

class Try(*tasks)

An executor which suppresses errors.


tasks (list) – The tasks which should be run.


When called, the tasks are executed in sequence. If a task raises an error, the error would be logged and continue to the next task.


args (list[str]) – Other arguments would be sent to each task.


    foo = Try(
        "echo execute and fail && exit 1", # executed
        "echo execute and fail && exit 1" # executed
    foo_err = "echo foo failed" # not executed